Wednesday, March 28, 2012


91.we know our girl friend is cute

92.dont ask us if ur beautiful u know u r

93.dont worry u will get a gift for valentines day

94.dont text us 24/7

95.dont ask our friends about us

96.we like it when u take pics with us

97.u can cry on our shoulder anytime u wont 2

98.we like candy

99.anytime u need us we will be here

100.ur boyfriend should be special to u


81.we like it when u tell us how good we look

82.u r free to wear r jackets

83.some boys arent to obsessive

84.we like it when u lie about funny stuff

85.we will always be at ur games

86.we hate to see u cry

87.we hang around with r friends a lot

88.we love animals

89.if we get famous we wont leave u

90.we play around sometimes


71.we love to give u gifts

72.dont say u like one of r friends

73.dont be to concerned if we get hurt

74.dont be to obsessive

75.dont say we r fat and ugly it offends us 2

76.dont say u like us if u dont meen it

77.seeing u makes r day

78.ur better than all sports we play

79.we cry 2

80.we love to dance with u


61.we gossip 2

62.dont ask our friends about us would hurt us bad if you rejected us

64.some boys dont flat out dump girls yourself

66.we wont hit u

67.we think its sexy when u teach us how to do something

68.some boys dont know there strength so that may be the reason when they play around it hurts sometimes

69.if u hit us we wont hit u back

70.we love to kiss u

51-60 hurts us when u cry

52.ur friends r our friends

53.we wont mess with u one week out of the month

54.when u ask how do i look we always say beautiful

55.we love putting are arms around u

56.we sing sometimes

57.dont say u love us 5 minutes after we ask u out

58.dont cheat on us

59.we are tuff

60.we like music


41.Girls should understand guy humor

42.we love seeing u

43.GIrls should let boys fight if its for a good reason

44.Girls should ask boys somewhere for a change

45.some boys hate sitting down and are always doing something

46.we need are beutey sleep

47.when we brag its about u

48.some boys like to hunt

49.we will go with you to a chick flick

50.Girls should let boys control there own lives not shape there lifes for


31.we love sports!!!

32. boys like it when girls are into the same things they are color doesent meen anything but when you start putting weird lady gaga stuff in their it may be to some guys

34.we like having a song about us

35.heres one For girls who have good guy friends!!!
If you call your guy friend and ask him what he is doing tonight, and his response is "Spending the night with the boys", this is men talk for "Lock your doors and pray to God that I forget your address"

36.boys like video games

37.not all guys judge girls buy size

38.dont drench yourself in makeup

39.not all boys judge by race hurts us to brake up with you