Wednesday, March 28, 2012


21.we may be skinny or buff but we eat like a horse

22.we like girl celebs but we know u like boy celebs make us happy!!!

24.we will beet the crap out of someone messing with u

25.we will never call u fat or ugly if you make us mad

26.we love to hear u talk

27.some boys r dumb red necks

28. Boys like girls tht are fast beutiful and sweet well not all boys

29.we do not like slutty girls

30.some boys like girls tht are pretty and not really fast


11.we dont treat you like crap you dont treat us like crap

12.most of the time when we think about you are beutiful whether you where make up or not

14.we love it when you come to are football games basketball games or
baseball games

15.we were a lot of colonge and deoderant but its so we can smell nice
for you

16.if you dont have a boyfriend look at the boy that is always looking at
u during his games or at class

17.come with us on jogs or to the mall it meens the world to us

18.we show off a little

19.we like to be the best

20.some of are moms are to protective watch out


1.we may beat the crap out of a guy we feel is being to flirty

2.we play alot of sports to build muscle and get a taylor laughtner body

3.we may not answer your calls either cuz we r busy or we may be asleep that doesn't mean we don't wanna talk to u

4.we love it when u smile

5.we are the cutest guy in the world to u when were dating

6.not all guys are players

7.we think its cute when u laugh

8.we like holding you when you are crying more than u do

9.we will almost do anything for u buy you dinner,hold the door for u,we will carry you across puddles of water,hold your purse and a lot more

10.we love to put are arms around u